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2018 Membership and Kart Number Changes
Sunday, 26 November 2017 11:45
With growth comes a few challenges and difficult choices. SuperKarts! USA hasn’t been a stranger to either of these things during the past few seasons. After several lengthy discussions, we’ve decided on the following changes to better serve our growing customer base and expanding promotional efforts.

Calendar-Year Memberships
Starting in 2018, all SKUSA memberships will be good for the calendar year only. This means January 1st through December 31st instead of an expiration date 12 months after purchase. In order to simplify this transition, we will do the following.
  • If your current expiration date is between Jan 1 and June 30, 2018, your 2018 Membership Renewal will only be $50.
  • If your current expiration date is between July 1 and December 31, 2018, your 2018 Membership Renewal will be free.
In order to take advantage of this offer, you MUST submit an online renewal during the renewal periods described below.
  • The transitional renewal period for members will be December 1st through January 31th.
  • The transitional late renewal period will be February 1st through February 15th. Late renewals will cost $125.
  • Renewals after February 15th will be treated as new memberships.
  • New memberships will be $150.
The standard renewal rate for 2019 Memberships will then be $100, and the standard renewal period will then be December 1st through Jan 15th and the standard late renewal period will be January 16th through January 31st.

CIK Kart Numbers
Starting in 2018, SKUSA will be standardizing to CIK number specifications. This means solid yellow number panels and solid black numbers for all classes, 1 digit for champions, and 2 and 3 digits depending on your class. No more letter designators. Please refer to SKUSA Rule 20.2.2 for the dimensional specifics. Our use of the video marshalling system is the main catalyst for this change, but we’d be remiss if we didn’t point out the difficulty of our track officials reading some of our color combinations and your custom number panels.

IAME Classes Shifter Classes
Micro Swift - 10-99
Mini Swift - 100-299 (200-299 reserved for overflow)
X30 Junior - 700-799
X30 Senior - 300-499 (400-499 reserved for overflow)
X30 Master - 500-599
S1 - 100-199
S2 - 200-299
S3 - 300-399
S4 - 400-499
S5 - 500-599
S4SM - 600-699
KZ (SuperNats) - 4-99

Reserved Numbers
I know what everyone is now thinking, and there is no easy way around it. We will no longer be reserving race numbers with your memberships. Each class will be assigned a block of numbers and when you enter your first race of any series you will pick from any available numbers in that pool. That will then be your “reserved” number for the rest of that series. Thankfully, MotorsportReg allows you to pick numbers in real time. You are likely to have a different number in the Winter Series, PKC and ProTour, so first come, first serve.