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Superkarts! USA - Rulebook & Updates

SKUSA Rulebook Updates: 10/9/2024 Print
Wednesday, 09 October 2024 00:00
The following changes were made in the SKUSA Rulebook published on Oct 9, 2024.

… (b) front and rear bumpers approved by CIK, IKF, WKA or SKUSA; and cannot be the all metal bar type; …
All bodywork must remain installed and intact during all competition sessions until technical inspection. Dislodged bodywork is grounds for disqualification shall result in a penalty. However, if dislodged on track, or missing during a competition session, and if the conditions on track allow, the competitor may be black flagged and/or disqualified shown a mechanical black flag. If a mechanical black flag is shown and obeyed, the competitor will receive points and/or qualifying time up to the lap where the flag was displayed. If not obeyed, the competitor will receive no points or time for that session shall be disqualified and may be subject to additional penalties. The absence of a mechanical black flag being shown does not negate the competitor’s responsibility to have the bodywork installed and intact at technical inspection. No bodywork may be reinstalled until after post-race technical inspection.
Seat Washers: Any attachment point from the chassis to the seat or seat strut to a seat will require a minimum of one 35 30 mm diameter aluminum or steel backing washer per fastener to eliminate potential break through.
Any dispute regarding circumference or other tire measurement must be resolved prior to leaving the tire desk after pickup of event competition tires. No exchanges or replacements will be allowed after the tires leave the pickup area. It is recommended that a tape measure and marking pen be brought to the tire desk when picking up tires.
Added to the end of Carburetors.
Aftermarket top and cap screws may be used when factory sizing is maintained.
Added several spark plugs to KA100, X30 and SSE. Revised formatting.
Spark Plug Caps: Only the following are allowed: PVL/Selettra (IAME part# 10544) or NGK (part# TB05EMA) and K+S (part# 10-3121MA).
Flag Start: Once the field is set the flagman will raise his non-flag hand vertically, with the green flag pointed straight down and beside his leg, to signal a five-second "window" count. The flagman will throw the green flag at any time within the five-second window. Any forward movement after the flagman raises his non-flag hand shall result in a jump start penalty.
Grid Position: Each grid position shall be defined by a hash mark or line. A driver is considered in their grid position when this hash mark or line falls between their front bumper and front tire. Starting from outside of your grid position shall result in a penalty.
Added reference to penalties for Incorrect Race Tires
Revised/clarified penalties regarding detached front fairing.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 09 October 2024 09:47