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Class Weight Reductions for 2022 Print
Written by Lynn Haddock - National Tech Director   
Sunday, 12 December 2021 11:48
For the past couple of years, there has been much discussion about class weights and how much extra ballast is being carried on karts at SKUSA events. At the Pro Tour event back in August at New Castle, the 2021 SKUSA Mexico events as well as the recent SuperNats, we conducted studies about how much extra ballast was being carried on karts in Micro Swift, Mini Swift, X30 Senior and X30 Masters.

The average identified:
  • Micro Swift - 13.52 lbs
  • Mini Swift - 20.57 lbs
  • X30 Senior - 23.29 lbs
  • X30 Masters - 27.07 lbs
Based on this information, we will be adjusting the class weights effective immediately:
  • Micro Swift - 220 lbs (reduced by 5)
  • Mini Swift - 235 lbs (reduced by 10)
  • X30 Senior - 355 lbs (reduced by 10)
  • X30 Masters - 385 lbs (reduced by 15)
These reductions apply to all SKUSA events including SKUSA MEXICO. We will further monitor this situation during 2022 to see if additional changes are needed.